Church of the Redeemer

Sarasota, Florida

Year Built: 2003
Manuals: 3
Stops: 50
Ranks: 64

Swell Organ (Expressive)

16′ Gedeckt
8′ Diapason
8′ Chimney Flute
8′ Salicional
8′ Voix Céleste CC
8′ Flauto Dolce
8′ Flute Céleste CC
4′ Principal
4′ Flûte Octaviante
2 2/3 Nasard
2′ Octavin
1 3/5 Tierce
V Plein Jeu
16′ Double Trumpet
8′ Trompette
8′ Hautbois
8′ Vox Humana
4′ Clairon
Swell to Swell 16′
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4′
8′ Festival Trumpet (ANT)

Great Organ

16′ Double Diapason
8′ Principal
8′ Second Diapason
8′ Harmonic Flute
8′ Bourdon
8′ Violone
4′ Octave
4′ Nachthorn
2 2/3 Twelfth
2′ Fifteenth
1 3/5 Seventeenth
V Fourniture
8′ Harmonic Trumpet
Great Unison Off
8′ Tuba (CH)
8′ Festival Trumpet

Antiphonal Organ

8′ Principal
8′ Gedeckt
4′ Octave
16′ Tuba (CH) (1-12*)
8′ Tuba (CH)

Choir Organ (Expressive)

16′ Erzähler (1-12*)
8′ Geigen Diapason
8′ Geigen Céleste*
8′ Singend Gedeckt
8′ Erzähler
8′ Erzähler Céleste (1-12*)
4′ Principal
4′ Zauberflöte
2′ Octave
1 1/3 Larigot
IV Mixture
16′ Bass Clarinet (1-12*)
8′ Clarinet
8′ English Horn
Choir to Choir 16′
Choir Unison Off
Choir to Choir 4′
16′ Trombone (PED)
8′ Tuba
8′ Festival Trumpet (ANT)
8′ Tromba (PED)
4′ Tromba Clairon (PED)

Pedal Organ

32′ Violone*
32′ Contra Bourdon*
16′ Open Wood
16′ Principal
16′ Subbass
16′ Violone (GT)
16′ Gedeckt (SW)
8′ Octave
8′ Bourdon
8′ Violone (GT)
8′ Chimney Flute (SW)
4′ Choral Bass
4′ Bourdon
IV Mixture
32′ Ophicleide*
16′ Trombone
16′ Double Trumpet (SW)
8′ Festival Trumpet (ANT)
8′ Tuba (CH)
8′ Tromba
8′ Trumpet (SW)
4′ Tromba Clairon
4′ Clarion (CH)


Great to Pedal (with toe piston)
Swell to Pedal (with toe piston)
Choir to Pedal (with toe piston)
Swell to Great
Choir to Great
32′ Violone (toe pison)
32′ Contre Bourdon (toe piston)
32′ Ophicleide (toe piston)
Tutti I (with toe piston)
Tutti II (with toe piston)


Great to Pedal 8′
Swell to Pedal 8′ 4′
Choir to Pedal 8′ 4′
Antiphonal to Pedal 8′
Swell to Great 16′ 8′ 4′
Choir to Great 16′ 8′ 4′
Antiphonal to Great 8′
Choir to Swell 8′
Antiphonal to Swell 8′
Swell to Choir 16′ 8′ 4′
Great to Choir 8′
Antiphonal to Choir 8′


15 General (with toe pistons)
8 Swell
6 Great
6 Choir
5 Pedal (with toe pistons)
* digital voices

The Nichols & Simpson organ in the Church of the Redeemer replaces a Möller/Aeolian-Skinner instrument rebuilt by McManis. The console is constructed of oak with interior of burl eucalyptus. Manual natural keys are of polished bone, sharps of rosewood. The console features rosewood drawknobs and bone faces inset for engraving, and rosewood expression shoes. The mirror-image organ cases, as well as the Antiphonal case, were designed by Frank Friemel and executed by Quigley Custom Pipe Organ Components. The pipe shades draw their inspiration from the chapel’s wrought iron screening.

Those who contributed to the realization of the organ include:

C. Joseph Nichols
(engineering, installation, tonal finishing)

Wayne E. Simpson III
(design, voicing, tonal finishing)

Duane Vanderpluym
(construction, installation)

Jorge A. Osorio
(console, construction, installation)

Timothy M. Bovard
(construction, installation)

David C. Scribner
(construction, installation)

Bryan K. Gray
(computer-aided drawing and design)

Frank Friemel
(facade case design)

QLF Custom Pipe Organ Components, LLC
(facade case construction, chest grids)

A. R. Schopp’s Sons

Aug. Laukhuff