Moorings Presbyterian Church

Naples, Florida

Year Built: 2008
Manuals: 3
Stops: 57
Ranks: 75

Swell Organ (Expressive)

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Chimney Flute
8′ Salicional
8′ Voix Céleste CC
8′ Gamba (SO)
8′ Gamba Céleste (SO)
8′ Lieblich Gedeckt
8′ Flauto Dolce
8′ Flauto Dolce Céleste CC
4′ Principal
4′ Flûte Octaviante
2 2/3 Nasard
2′ Octavin
1 3/5 Tierce
II Grave Mixture
III Sharp Mixture
16′ Double Trumpet
8′ Trompette Harmonique
8′ Trumpet
8′ Hautbois
8′ Vox Humana
4′ Clairon
Swell to Swell 16′
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4′

Great Organ

16′ Double Diapason
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Second Open Diapason
8′ Solo Diapason (SO)
8′ Flauto Mirabilis (SO)
8′ Flûte Harmonique
8′ Bourdon
8′ Violone
4′ Octave
4′ Nachthorn
2 2/3 Twelfth
2′ Super Octave
1 3/5 Seventeenth
IV-V Fourniture
V Grand Cornet (13-56)
16′ Bombarde
8′ Trompette Harmonique
Great Unison Off


8′ Solo Diapason
8′ Flauto Mirabilis
8′ Gamba
8′ Gamba Céleste CC
4′ Solo Octave
4′ Clear Flute
8′ French Horn
8′ English Horn
16′ Trombone (PED)
16′ Tuba TC
8′ Tuba
8′ Tromba (PED)
4′ Tromba Clarion (PED)

Choir Organ (Expressive)

16′ Contra Viola (1-12*)
8′ Geigen Diapason
8′ Viola
8′ Viola Céleste (1-12*)
8′ Gedeckt
8′ Erzähler
8′ Erzähler Céleste (1-12*)
4′ Principal
4′ Koppelflöte
2′ Flautino
IV-V Mixture
16′ Bass Clarinet (1-12*)
8′ Trompette
8′ Clarinet
Choir to Choir 16′
Choir Unison Off
Choir to Choir 4′

Pedal Organ

32′ Contra Violone*
32′ Contra Bourdon*
16′ Open Wood
16′ Double Diapason (GT)
16′ Subbass
16′ Contra Viola (CH)
16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (SW)
8′ Gross Flute
8′ Octave
8′ Bourdon
8′ Viola (CH)
8′ Chimney Flute (SW)
4′ Super Octave
4′ Clear Flute (SO)
IV Mixture
32′ Ophicleide*
16′ Trombone ‡
16′ Bombarde (GT)
16′ Double Trumpet (SW)
8′ Tuba (SO)
8′ Tromba ‡
8′ Trumpet (SW)
4′ Tromba Clarion ‡
4′ Clarinet (CH)


Great to Pedal (with toe piston)
Swell to Pedal (with toe piston)
Choir to Pedal (with toe piston)
Solo to Pedal (with toe piston)
Swell to Great (with toe paddle)
Choir to Great (with toe paddle)
Solo to Great (with toe paddle)
Swell to Choir
Great to Choir
Solo to Choir
All Swells to Swell
32′ Violone (toe paddle)
32′ Bourdon (toe paddle)
32′ Ophicleide (toe paddle)
Tutti I (with toe paddle)
Tutti II (with toe paddle)
Cymbelstern (with toe paddle)


Great to Pedal 8′
Swell to Pedal 8′ 4′
Choir to Pedal 8′ 4′
Solo to Pedal 8′ 4′
Swell to Great 16′ 8′ 4′
Choir to Great 16′ 8′ 4′
Solo to Great 8′ 4′
Choir to Swell 8′
Solo to Swell 8′ 4′
Swell to Choir 16′ 8′ 4′
Great to Choir 8′
Solo to Choir 8′ 4′


14 General (with toe pistons)
7 Swell
6 Great
6 Choir
5 Solo
5 Pedal (with toe pistons)
* digital voices
enclosed with Choir

The Nichols & Simpson organ for Moorings Presbyterian Church is the first pipe organ with which this congregation has ever worshipped. The generosity of the Sterritte family made this long-held dream a possibility. The main organ and facade houses 50 stops and 68 ranks. The Solo division, which is housed behind a smaller facade is comprised of 7 stops and 7 ranks. The case pipes in the large towers are made of flamed copper; the remainder of the case pipes are made of polished zinc. The case was designed by Frank Friemel and executed by QLF Custom Pipe Organ Components, LLC. The organ was used in worship for the first time on August 10, 2008.

Those who contributed to the realization of the organ include:

C. Joseph Nichols
(engineering, installation, tonal finishing)

Wayne E. Simpson III
(design, voicing, tonal finishing)

Jorge A. Osorio
(construction, installation)

Timothy M. Bovard
(construction, installation)

David C. Scribner
(construction, installation)

Christian C. Lentz
(voicing assistant)

Aaron Van Wormer

Paul D. Morphis

Justin Carr

Bryan K. Gray
(computer-aided drawing and design)

R. A. Colby, Inc.

Frank Friemel
(facade case design)

QLF Custom Pipe Organ Components, LLC
(facade case construction, chest grids)

A. R. Schopp’s Sons