St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Year Built: 1984
Manuals: 2
Stops: 25
Ranks: 32
Swell Organ (Expressive)
8′ |
Gedeckt |
8′ |
Gemshorn |
8′ |
Gemshorn Celeste GG |
4′ |
Principal |
4′ |
Spillflöte |
2 2/3′ |
Nasat TC |
2′ |
Hohlflöte |
1 3/5′ |
Terz TC |
Scharf |
16′ |
Bassoon |
8′ |
Trompette |
8′ |
Hautbois |
4′ |
Hautbois |
Tremulant |
Swell to Swell 16′ |
Swell Unison Off |
Swell to Swell 4′ |
Pedal Organ
32′ |
Resultant |
16′ |
Subbass |
16′ |
Rohrpommer (GT) |
8′ |
Oktave |
8′ |
Gedeckt |
5 1/3′ |
Quintflöte (GT) |
4′ |
Choral Bass |
Mixture |
16′ |
Posaune |
16′ |
Bassoon (SW) |
8′ |
Trompete |
4′ |
Dulzian (GT) |
Chimes (GT) |
Great Organ
16′ |
Rohrpommer |
8′ |
Principal |
8′ |
Rohrflöte |
4′ |
Oktave |
4′ |
Spitzflöte |
2′ |
Super Oktave |
Fourniture |
8′ |
Trumpet |
8′ |
Dulzian |
Tremulant |
Chimes |
Great Unison Off |
Great to Swell 8′ |
Swell to Great 16′ 8′ 4′ |
Great to Pedal 8′ |
Swell to Pedal 8′ 4′ |